Club Photography and Filming guidance (Age Grade)


The RFU positively encourages parents/carers and spectators to take photographs and videos of participants involved in rugby union to celebrate the ethos and spirit of the sport. It is not the intention of the RFU or the club to prevent photographs or filming from taking place for legitimate purposes.

Any photograph (digital or printed) or film/video which is produced and released into the public domain may be misused by anyone as control has been lost. There may be circumstances where photography / filming of a child might not be acceptable or appropriate as it may place the child at risk of harm. This may include legal restrictions or where it is potentially dangerous to reveal the child’s whereabouts to an estranged parent.

We ask you for parental /carer consent for photos/filming at the start of every season when you reaffiliate your child. You are able to withhold this consent for photography and filming AT ANY TIME. All concerns must be addressed between the parents/carers and club as a matter of urgency to mitigate any risk to the child. Communication is key to keeping our children safe.

Please note that members of the public are entitled to take photos in public areas (this includes all the publicly accessible areas of Coronation Park) and may include taking images of children playing rugby.

Any concerns in these circumstances should be IMMEDIATELY reported to a club official who will approach the individual concerned wherever possible to resolve any potential conflicts.

Chelmsford RFC will:

• Ensure that photographic/video consent is obtained from all parents / guardians / carers at the start of each season for the use of photographs & videos in promotional activity, press releases and social media postings etc.
• Ensure that, where there are restrictions on photographing/videoing a particular child, the club will inform the Club Safeguarding Officer and the relevant coaches. Guidance and advice will also be given to the parents of the child, and the parents will be involved in discussions about communicating the requirements.
• Ensure any opposition teams know ahead of any fixture if there is an objection to any filming/ photography taking place. We will be responsible for communicating any objection and ensuring it is adhered to by their supporters or officials.
• Inform parents and participants that a photographer will be in attendance/VEO camera will be in use and detail where the content will be published.
• Not identify individual children by name in promotional images or the club’s social media accounts.
• Clarify issues about ownerships of the images and access. How will the images be stored, retained and used.
• Where the club is alerted to an image in the public domain (posted by a third party or another parent) we will take reasonable steps to request the image is removed / deleted.
• Ensure that all parents and carers are aware of their responsibilities when taking photographs.

Age group coaches / photographers will:

• Ensure that photographs are of the team, and the team activity rather than focusing on one individual child.
• Ensure children are appropriately dressed when being photographed or filmed. It is never acceptable to capture any images in changing rooms, showers, or at any time when players are dressing, injured or receiving first aid. Images must be neither sexual, of an exploitative nature nor open to misinterpretation or misuse.
• Ensure personal information which can lead to a child being identified should never be used. If it is necessary to name a child, ensure there is written parental consent and you have informed the parents as to how the image will be used. This is particularly important when issuing press releases and match reports.
• Comply with the club policy when putting images into the public domain (website, social media etc).

Parents will:

• Adhere to any instructions given by coaches in terms of photography restrictions.
• Parents are welcome to photograph their own children and use the images how they please. If posting to social media (or making public in any other way) please ensure other people’s children are not identified in any text describing the image. It is preferable (if possible) to crop the image and remove other children.
• Please do not use facilities which live stream content. This puts images / video into the public arena with little or no control over which children are pictured.
• Respect the wishes of children who may not wish to be photographed.
• If asked to stop filming / photography, speak to a coach to seek further guidance.

Use of Video Recording in training:

• Parents /carers should be made aware if a film is being taken to be used as a coaching aid.
• Videos are to be taken purely for the purpose intended, and deleted when no longer required or when requested by a parent, guardian or carer.
• Training videos must be viewed only by the DBS cleared coaches.
• Training Images /videos must NOT be shared on any social media / public platform.
• All coaching videos should be in line with current Age Grade Code of Codes of Practice.
• The RFU encourages the filming of rugby union for the purpose of external examinations Duke of Edinburgh Award, GSCE, A level or BTEC Physical Education which will support a player’s formal education.

Use of VEO camera systems to record matches:

• Consent for the use of a VEO camera must be sought (in writing) from the opposition well in advance of all fixtures. If explicit consent is not in place, the camera must not be set-up.
• Matches can only be filmed if all participants from both sides have the appropriate photo consents in place. Opposition coaches can provide proxy consent but this can be withdrawn at any time. If this happens the footage must be immediately withdrawn.
• Parents /carers should be made aware that film is being taken and how any content will be used.
• Access to any VEO footage must be provided by way of a controlled link (this enables access to the content to be withdrawn at any time). Footage should be shared with both teams.
• Adequate care must be taken to ensure that the camera is not a tripping hazard/obstacle and must always be placed at least 2m away from the touchline.
• Great care should be taken when allowing footage to be shared and all content should be in line with current Age Grade Code of Codes of Practice and existing safeguarding and other club policies.
• The RFU encourages the filming of rugby union for the purpose of external examinations Duke of Edinburgh Award, GSCE, A level or BTEC Physical Education which will support a player’s formal education.

If you require any further information or clarification, please contact the club safeguarding officer