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Volunteer of the Month - January

Volunteer of the Month - January

Matthew Burley7 Feb - 07:38
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Congratulations to CRFC Coach Steve Rooney who has been nominated as the club's first Volunteer of the Month winner.

The Bluebirds nominated Steve Rooney as our first CRFC Volunteer of the Month in recognition of all the support he has given to the ladies Section so far this season.

Steve is an incredibly patient coach who takes time to make sure every player understands what is expected of them without being condescending. Not one to hold back, Steve has helped the Ladies improve their game through his encyclopaedic knowledge of the laws and the way in which he holds the whole squad accountable for their actions both on and off the field.

Not only does Steve give up his Tuesday evenings and Sundays for CRFC Ladies training sessions and matches, but this season he has also done the same for the Writtle University Ladies Rugby Squad. He has been wonderfully patient and supportive with this new group of 25+ young players and has been a superb ambassador for the Chelmsford Rugby Club. Some of this group only started playing this season but thanks to Steve’s involvement, it is hoped many will go onto represent both the university and Chelmsford RFC in the future.

Club Chair, Gabby Rowe says “The club committee are very proud to be recognising Steve as our first CRFC Volunteer of the Month. Steve is an exemplary coach who has given up his time with almost every group at the club on this journey to senior rugby and is a person that has made a massive difference to the lives of the many he has helped along the way! Thank you Steve for all you have done and all you will continue to do in the future. A most worthy winner!

The club would also like to thank Ella Alderton and the Bluebirds squad for nominating Steve for our January award. If you believe that you know of another volunteer, be they a coach, first aider, team admin, supporter or committee member that deserves recognition, please send a brief nomination to as we would love to hear from you!

Further reading